Welcome to the house among the cactuses

‘DESERT FLOWERS’ is out today in the United States, UK, Australia and Canada. So today is the day when I can finally open the door to the house where my new novel takes place. A house lost in the remote landscape of the Baja California Desert, Mexico, where an American family has decided to build its home. Here, Elmer and Rose take care of their five daughters, all of them with flower names: Edelweiss, Iris, Melissa, Daisy and Dahlia. I’m thrilled to be able to invite you into their home, to open the screen door on the porch to anyone who wants to discover what’s really hidden among these cactuses. I invite the reader to come into the kitchen, where Rose might be making breakfast, finding herself absorbed, like she is every morning as she looks out of the window, in the desert turned by the rising sun into a palette of a thousand shades of watercolor. To meet Rose is to meet a woman who loves her five daughters above all else, a devoted mother capable of making the greatest of sacrifices to protect her girls. By all means enjoy her conversation, just don’t ask too much about her past, especially about the time before moving to the house among the cactuses. And best not mention the wooden cross driven into the earth out back, the one with Edelweiss’s name engraved on the crosspiece. When Elmer comes in through the kitchen door, freshly shaved, wearing the coveralls from the gas station where he works, a handshake will be greeting enough. He’s sparing with words and looks at any stranger invading his territory with suspicion, so tread carefully whenever he’s close by. Elmer’s arrival would be a good moment to leave the kitchen and take a look around the living room. There, hanging from the wall, is the guitar that Edelweiss played. And the turntable that plays the music to which the family dance together. Among the Flowers, by Bob Davis, is one of their favorite songs. It’s likely that a frenzy of footsteps will break out at any moment upstairs. It’s the twins, Daisy and Dahlia, who’ll come down in their little red pajamas, hungry, in search of cereal and kisses from Mommy. They’re identical, aren’t they? Sometimes it’s as if they were the same girl, especially when they both talk at the same time. A good topic of conversation with them, to keep them happy, would be to ask them about the pictures they make with colored beads. One thing they don’t like talking about is how they have to take turns hiding whenever their teacher Socorro comes. After meeting the twins, why not head up to the bedrooms? Iris will be in front of her dressing table mirror, brushing her hair. At the same time, she’s probably reading a Jane Austen book, or maybe the script to A Streetcar Named Desire, which she loves. It’s easy to talk to her about anything, she has a large vocabulary and…

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My new book is on its way

My third novel is on its way. I suddenly realised it last night when I saw it added to the Amazon site, with its very own page. I’ve worked on this novel since 2015, lived with its characters for nearly two years now, but it was yesterday when, in a sense, it first proved its existence to the world. It’s nothing more than a landing page—there’s not even a cover or a blurb on it yet—but it does reveal the title. Yesterday, only editor, translator and I knew about it. Today it’s official and public: DESERT FLOWERS is my upcoming new novel. Hard as rock and sand, tender as a cactus bloom. Mysterious as an animal skull reflecting the desert moonlight. I can’t wait for my readers to meet the family that lives in that desert. In a house full of love and secrets. As you approach, you may hear laughter and screams. Anyone who enjoyed or suffered with what happened in the basement of The Light of the Fireflies—and every time I read the thousands of reviews on Amazon and Goodreads I rejoice at how many of you did—should be prepared to be shocked and moved again. But in a completely different way. No fireflies, darkness or confined spaces this time. Instead, the vast landscape of an immense desert strangely filled with all kinds of flowers. I’ll be sharing more information on the novel as the AmazonCrossing release date approaches, but I felt the need today to introduce the book in a respectable and formal way. Readers, this is Desert Flowers. Desert Flowers, these are your future readers.

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Mi próxima novela está llegando

Cada vez falta menos para que se publique mi tercera novela. Si estamos en febrero, que lo estamos, quedan apenas unos meses para que Plaza y Janés la lleve a las librerías. Llevo trabajando en esta historia desde 2015, he convivido con sus personajes durante casi dos años, pero lo que contienen sus páginas es aún un misterio para el resto del mundo. Lo que sí puedo adelantar por fin es su título: LA CASA ENTRE LOS CACTUS. Tengo unas ganas increíbles de presentar a la familia que vive en esa casa. Un hogar lleno de amor y secretos. En sus alrededores pueden escucharse risas, pero también gritos. Quienes disfrutasteis sufriendo con lo que ocurría en el sótano de El brillo de las luciérnagas —y cada vez que leo las miles de reseñas en Amazon o Goodreads me alegro infinito de que fuerais tantos— os garantizo que volveréis a sobrecogeros y emocionaros con La casa entre los cactus. Pero de un modo diferente. Esta vez no hay luciérnagas, oscuridad ni espacios claustrofóbicos, sino un inmenso paisaje desértico en el que transcurre una historia tan dura como la roca y la arena. Tan tierna como la flor de un cactus. Tan estremecedora como la calavera de un animal reflejando la luz plateada de la luna. Compartiré más información sobre el libro en las próximas semanas y a medida que se acerque el día de publicación, pero ya iba siendo hora de hacer una presentación formal. Lectores, esta es La casa entre los cactus. La casa entre los cactus, estos son tus futuros lectores.

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